
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Murphy's Law in Action.....

This is something that happened to me a few years ago.  I wrote this down and just found it again.  Thought it might be something you can sympathize with:

Talk about a day when anything that could go wrong does! This is mine!

I get up at 5 a.m. to pack the clothes that I stayed up till 2 a.m. last night to wash so I can drop my son off at the bus stop by 7 a.m. to get to work by 7:30 a.m. so I can leave at 4:00 p.m. to go to my Mom's house 4 hours away so I can go with her at 6 a.m. tomorrow morning for her cataract surgery.

Everything is going on schedule until......

with bags packed and in the car, my son dressed and with his back-pack, we get in the car to drive to the bus stop .....

and the car won't start! Not the battery, all the lights are bright and the radio is working. The engine starts, but won't switch into gear. All of 3 minutes left to decide before son misses bus and I add another hour's driving time to my day. Executive decision! Take our other car and deal with this after the bus stop!

Get in the other car, back out of the garage....

and back into the retaining wall. Deal with that later, too! Get son to bus on time, go back home to deal with the car. Still won't start. Wake husband to see if he can do anything....

BIG SURPRISE... Nothing he can do. Call AAA, ask for a tow. Call the garage and tell them to watch for the car. Call my boss and leave a message. E-mail the rest of the office not to worry that I'm not there. Wait to call Mom until I know more. Feel migraine coming on. Take the little blue pills for that.

AAA comes, takes the car.... Call the garage and find out that it will be late afternoon before they even look at it. Check my phone... there is a message from my Mom from yesterday. My Aunt in California died yesterday afternoon and will I call her.

Call my Mom.......... no answer. Call Mom's cell......straight to voice mail. Feel migraine trying harder, already took little blue pills, so cruise the internet trying not to think about it. Call Mom again, still no answer! Write it all out here, getting more tense by the second! Getting off now to figure out what the rest of the day holds! ;((

Have a Great Day! ;)

Of course, everything turned out okay....  Mom was just outside and didn't hear the phone, the car got fixed in time for me to make the drive to take her for surgery.  The surgery went well and my migraine disappeared.

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